Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Why start a blog about Texas ghost towns?

I've been fascinated with the idea of ghost towns for a very long time. These forgotten communities are reminders of how fragile and how precious our history really is, and considering the multitude of colorful characters who helped turn Texas into what it is today, that says a lot.

My own personal quest to visit and document ghost towns started shortly after the death of my beloved wife, Ginny, in May 2010. You could say that this ongoing mission is a form of therapy. Ginny wasn't so eager to visit ghost towns, herself; she preferred more traditional travel destinations such as Australia, New Orleans, and Las Vegas - which is where Ginny and I got married on April 1, 2000. Not that I don't see the appeal of carrying a footlong frozen mudslide daiquiri from casino to casino on the sidewalk in broad daylight without getting hassled by the cops, mind you, but I also enjoy this, too.

While the images that will appear on this blog may reach some as nothing more than so many crumbling houses and forgotten tombstones, I can honestly say that my encounters with Texas ghost towns have enriched my understanding of the history and culture of the Lone Star State and of the many people who are a part of our state's diverse and fascinating legacy.

I hope you find the contents of this blog to be informative and enjoyable. And if this blog spurs you to start visiting a few ghost towns of your own, more power to you.

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